Bancroft Wattle

Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Acacia
Species: bancroftii
Main Flower Colour: Yellow


Strangely shaped large phyllodes up to about 20cm long are a distinctive feature of this wattle from SE Qld. Each phyllode is a stem modified to carry out photosynthesis , although it looks like a leaf. There can be a couple of triangular projections on the edge of the phyllodes - these carry a nectary gland. These wattles form part of the understorey, growing in shallow soil on rocky hillsides in Eucalyptus woodland or open forest in southern Queensland.

Flowering start in May and ends in July.


The main flower colour is yellow. Large phyllodes with triangular projectons. Also known as Acacia bancroftiorum.

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Bio Regions

Brigalow Belt South (BBS)

Region Specifics

Expedition NP, SE Qld.

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