Blowholes Campground - WA

  Camp Fee


DEG: -24.489731 113.416206
DMS: 24º 29' 23.03" S 113º 24' 58.34" E
UTM: 49 J 7289411mN 744864mE
Altitude: 8.54m


Address & Contact

Beach Rd
Macleod WA 6701
Phone: +618 9941 1146.
Email: N/A


Visitors wishing to stay at the Blowholes campground are NOT required to pre-book.The Blowholes Campground is a wilderness campground and by paying online, you are not booking a specific site. The campground is accessible to all vehicles being a bitumen road.

On arrival, you can find yourself a suitable camp for the duration of your stay. Blowholes are suitable for those who are self-sufficient, including chemical toilets. Toilets are only available for day visitors due to the vast distance between toilets and campsites.

The wilderness campsite offers unpowered camping sites only. Some campsites offer direct views of the Point Quobba beach and others nestled between the dunes. Camping is not permitted near the shacks.

On-site, there is a dump point and rubbish collection. You must bring your own water, food, and general supplies. If you wish to stay longer, you will need to pay the additional fees online or call the Visitor Centre to make payment over the phone.

Pets are permitted on the condition they remain on a lead at all times. The Shire of Carnarvon will not be responsible for any injuries to your pet during your stay. Please note the Shire does not use1080 baits in the Blowholes Campground area. However, it may be used on surrounding stations and birds/other wildlife have been known to move baits. Keep an eye on your pets at all times and ensure they remain on a lead.

Carnarvon Shire Rangers regularly visit the campsites to ensure compliance by campers and visitors.

Facilities include a boat ramp and walks. Vehicles are not permitted on the beach, except for the purpose of boat launching.

Just one kilometre south of the Blowholes is a calm coral-filled lagoon known to the locals as the 'Aquarium', with fish and shells in abundance and a white sandy beach, making it a perfect hangout spot for the family or even a beach picnic. The lagoon is an ideal spot for snorkelling, especially for those least confident in the water.

The Blowholes at Point Quobba come in all sizes. Some produce jets of water and others a blast of spray. Some are only a metre or so high but if conditions are right the bigger openings can produce a blast reaching heights of up to 20 metres - a truly awesome spectacle.The Blowholes perform best when the tide is surging in for high tide, high tide isn't the best time as the water covers the narrow holes in the rocks, where the jets of water erupt from.
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Closest Weather Station

Carnarvon at 10/03:30pm WST
Distance from Blowholes Campground 51.12km SE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Carnarvon Airport
Distance from Blowholes Campground 51.12km SE
Mean Max. °C31.332.531.629.126.223.422.323.024.426.027.629.3
Mean Min. °C22.523.422.119.114.912.310.911.613.816.418.620.6
Mean Rain mm12.320.616.213.934.947.345.318.

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