Peaceful Bay - WA



DEG: -35.041 116.930893
DMS: 35º 02' 27.6" S 116º 55' 51.21" E
UTM: 50 H 6122408mN 493697mE
Altitude: 0.15m


Place Type

Geography - Bay,Inlet,Cove


356.7kms South of Perth - Driving 443 km (5 hours 2 mins)

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Peaceful Bay is a sheltered, natural bay on the coastline of the Southern Ocean. During calm weather you can launch a boat (4WD required) here and follow a couple of channel markers through the rocky entrance to the ocean. The bay is too small for general boating other than entrance/exit. The bay is popular with locals and visitors for fishing, windsurfing, kayaking, and swimming.

A rocky point divides the bay into two beaches with more surf on the eastern beach and good beach 4WDing opportunities. The beach to the west is closed to vehicles beyond a sign and most locals use this section to park their trailer up above the high tide mark, although a large new bitumen trailer parking bay is back above the beach outside the Peaceful Bay Sea Rescue quarters.

The area also consists of a community of the same name featuring fishermens' shacks, a caravan park with store, a park, and an RSL monument. Numerous other beaches can be accessed nearby by 4WD but be warned the sand is very soft. Nearby is also Irwin Inlet a nice area lined by paperbark trees. Only small tinnies or kayaks could venture on this waterway.

During the peak Christmas school holiday period, Peaceful Bay is thriving with family tourists staying in the caravan park. The main road is bitumen but local roads are red dirt/formed gravel. A new bitumen boat parking area is located above the beach at the Peaceful Bay Sea Rescue area. A 4WD is required for boat launch/retrieve as there is no concrete ramp. A new finger wharf with lights provides excellent amenities to boaties. Fuel and air available from the caravan park store about 200m away.
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Closest Weather Station

Walpole North at 05/12:30pm WST
Distance from Peaceful Bay 21.69km NW
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Rocky Gully
Distance from Peaceful Bay 52.69km N
Mean Max. °C27.327.525.422.018.815.514.715.316.419.023.125.5
Mean Min. °C12.613.312.410.
Mean Rain mm17.316.334.551.371.890.396.090.595.

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