Day 49 to 50 of our Big Trip of the Simpson and now the Flinders Ranges

Saturday, Aug 15, 2015 at 11:24

Member - Matwil

Day 49 Tuesday 11th

Well I must say the school kids were very well behaved and did not disturb us at all. They came from a school at Victor Harbour in South Australia.

We were up early packed up and went to the shops for some supplies we missed in the shopping the day before. Bought a new butane gas stove (as you cant buy them any more in NSW). This one is a beauty and far better than the cheaper one we had before. Then we headed back to Lyndhurst for the start of the drive up the Strezlecki Track with Louise at the wheel. The track is really a highway and many trucks use it to take supplies up to the corner country from Adelaide. We had been told when we were in Innaminka early in July that the road was in very poor condition.Well some of it is and some of it isn’t and there are about six sections of tarred surface so you can overtake road trains. We had planned to camp along the way at Montecolinna Bore if the going was slow. In any case we didn't need to as we arrived at the bore at around lunch time. We ate lunch there and then moved on. The bore is the only bore along the track and still works. There is a large area fenced off that allows camping with picnic tables etc but no toilets. Several people had set up camps there and were looking to stay the night. The trip between Lyndhurst and the bore goes through several different soil types and you move from one to the other very quickly like someone had drawn a line in the sand (so to speak). The bore is actually in a named desert but I can’t remember the name. The surrounding area is like a white moonscape with sparse vegetation on it.

We pressed on towards Moomba and got there about 4pm with still 154 klms to go. It is going to be touch and go to make Innaminka by sunset. But we pressed on. We were slowed down by road works and finally made Innaminka with about 15 minutes before sunset. We found a much nicer place to camp on the common compared to last time we were here and set up camp had dinner and an early night to bed. One comment we made was it was nice to be in a warmer climate. During the night we were woken up when a giant wind came whistling through. DO you think you should strengthen the tent stays piped up Louise? No I replied it will blow over. As soon as I said that the wind got stronger and the whole tent rocked around like it was a boat in a giant storm. Up I got put in more tent pegs and tied the tent down. AS soon as I finished it subsided, but we could go to sleep knowing and we were well anchored to the ground.

DAY 50 Wednesday 12th
We were up early and went up to the store to get our pass and pay for two night accommodation at Coongie Lakes. This lake system is one of the most important wetlands for migratory birds and it is protected by a National Park. It is a 100 klm drive for Innaminka and bush camping. We set off thinking we would be there for morning tea. Well when ever you make plans in the outback be prepared to change them. The track we were on had not been graded for years and has the worst corrugations I have seen in a very long time, so we arrived at Coongie Lake at Lunchtime not morning tea time. Oh Well.
We found a lovely campsite beside the lake, which turns out to be the best spot to watch the birdlife. It is truly amazing. Pelicans, ducks every type of migratory bird you can think of, raptors by the dozen and black swans. I may get a bird shot yet. We set up camp on the Lake edge and just veged out and took it all in. The photo shows the view from the front of the tent.

On the way out here we were overtaken by some other 4WD people. Corrugations don't worry them as they overtook us at high sped on a narrow trail in heavy corrugated sand. Maybe they have not had a bull bar fall off, but the way they drove showed that they had no appreciation of the risks involved. They stopped to look at some ruins so we passed them and arrived at Coongie before them… Thank goodness. There were already two other vehicles camped out there and we took the last good spot. When the other 5 vehicles arrived, instead of going to one of the other camping areas out here (and there are many, they set up camp in the parking bay and turning circle). That night they partied like there was no tomorrow, which led me to comment why didn't they stay in Innaminka and party at the pub. To me they had no appreciation of the special place we are in… it was just another excuse for a piss up. The other people camping out here made the same comment next morning, They are from Tilba Tilba on the south coast of NSW.

Later we started to map out the rest of our trip as it is quickly coming to an end. We have 14 days left before we have to be back in Blackheath. The plan is to leave here on Friday morning and then drive to the Noccundra Hotel in Western Queensland, Then onto a pace called Eulo just west of Cunnamulla where there is a date farm and hot mud springs, then down to Lightning Ridge before heading through the Pilliga towards Musswellbrook and then home.

Before dinner we took quite a few sunset shots over the water so hoping for some good ones.

Wanting to explore our vast wide land
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