Day 19 to 21 of our Big Trip of the Simpson and now the Flinders Ranges

Tuesday, Jul 14, 2015 at 09:25

Member - Matwil

Well here we are in Broken Hill. Raining and windy and very cold, but not quite as cold in Blackheath. We spent Sunday walking around the town taking photos of all the old buildings, there is truly some magnificent examples here built in the late 1800’s that reflects the mining boom of that era. Because of the weather we decided to stay in the on site cabin at the caravan two nights so we could watch the Swannies play in Brisbane. The only trouble is that the TV comes from Adelaide and the did not show the game, rather we had to watch the Hawks game. Monday we went out to Silverton which was an interesting explore. The mining boom lasted there only 10 years from 1885 to 1895. In that time it became a substantial town and municipality and some of the grand buildings are still standing today. Ill make some more observations later.

This morning I took Clive for a full check up and service. We have been hearing strange noises since the sand hills and I wanted it fully checked out. Well as soon as we put the vehicle up on the hoist we found the problem. The centre bearing on the drive shaft is totally shattered. Pretty serious stuff. The whole thing could have fallen apart at any time since the drive from the sand hiils. We have done over 1000klms since then so we are very lucky we have not been stranded out in the never never.

We are now waiting to establish what is covered by warranty, then who can fix it and how long will it take. Lucky I have premium care with the NMRA and extra warranty of the vehicle that covers this sort of stuff. the main issue now is whose paper work do I complete and waiting to get approval to fix it. . It looks like we are going to be in Broken hill for 4 or 5 days at the least as the parts have to come from Melbourne. That will give me plenty of time to put down on paper my other observations .
Wanting to explore our vast wide land
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