Day 5 & 6 of the big trip.

Monday, Jun 29, 2015 at 19:11

Member - Matwil

Well we have joined up our tag along tour and have just. Left Marree with Louise at the wheel. We have just encounte red light rain, which is a bit of a worry given that if the roads get too wet they become a mushy slush and un drive able.
Yesterday we drove fromHawker to Marree. We woke. Up to minus two degrees weather. It was so cold the inside of the tent was dripping with Condensation Along the way we called into Leigh Creek which is a mining town. The mine is brown coal which supplies the power station at Port Augusta, and as it is closing down I suppose that means the end of the town as well as there is not much else there. Fuel is starting to get dearer with deisel at $189.9 at Marree. Just befor e Marree we stopped at a place called Farina. It is an old settlement, totally in ruins. However, an old Scottish bakery survived and an enterprising couple have got it working again and baked bread and other goodies each day. Looked so good. We bought brad, still warm and some apple pies. Delicious.
There is a project to restore the ruins so they will survive for many years to come. Adelaide grammar school students, amongst others are doing the work, and it is really good to see that some heritage is being preserved as from all the ruins you see along the way a lot has already been lost.
We are travelling in style but the pioneers must have really done it the tough way.
This is really getting hard typing on the iPad as the road is quite rough so we stop now and update when we get to Oodnadatta.
Well the rain stopped thank goodness after about 100 kms. Although for a period the road was very greesy.
We arrived at Oodnadatta late this afternoon with just enough time to pitch the tent before sunset. We were eight hours driving we Louise at the wheel this morning and me this afternoon. Total klm were a little over 400. We passed a place named Plane Henge where two ww11 planes had been stood on their tales as a monument to past events. We stopped for lunch at William Creek where there is a hotel of sorts including servo with deisel a $2.00 a litre. Made the $1.89 I paid at Oodnadatta seem cheap. The other place we stopped was coward springs were ther was a natural spa spring and some old restored buildings and caravan park.
Tomorrow we are off to Dalhousie springs and mt dare. Louise says dinner is ready so will sign off. No photos as the Internet connection is not good, but have ytaken plenty. Until next time.

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Wanting to explore our vast wide land
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