Ruby Saltbush

Family: Chenopodiaceae
Genus: Enchylaena
Species: tomentosa
Main Flower Colour: White


Hemispherical shrubby perennial to c. 1 m high.

Branches glabrous to hairy.

Leaves semiterete, succulent, to c. 15 mm long, glabrous to shortly hairy.

Fruit 5–8 mm diam., green, yellow, red or puce and drying black, with a short beak. Fruit falling when succulent, apparently spread by animals.

Flowering start in January and ends in December.


The main flower colour is white. Ruby salt bush is a common species of semi-arid and arid climates. It is a small, sometimes straggly shrub to about 1 metres high with greyish foliage and stems which are covered with short hairs. The linear leaves are rounded in cross section (terete), succulent and 6 to 15 mm long. The white flowers are small and insignificant but, after flowering the perianth enlarges to enclose the fruit in a small, berry-like structure about 5-8 mm in diameter. These berries are coloured from yellow to red and are edible....but a considerable number would be needed for a meal!

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Bio Regions

Stony Plains (STP), Gawler (GAW), Broken Hill Complex (BHC), Murray Darling Depression (MDD)

Region Specifics

Hogwash Bend

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