Clasping Goodenia

Family: Goodeniaceae
Genus: Goodenia
Species: amplexans
Main Flower Colour: Yellow


Erect undershrub or shrubby herb to 1 m tall, viscid, glandular-pubescent, with long and short, glandular hairs and fine, simple hairs, aromatic. Leaves sessile, stem-clasping, ovate to oblong, denticulate; lamina 3–9 cm long, 5–30 mm wide. Inflorescence a spike-like raceme, to 15 cm long; bracts leaf-like; peduncles 1–2 mm long; bracteoles linear-lanceolate, 1–2 mm long; pedicels 2–3 mm long, indistinctly articulate. Sepals lanceolate, 2.5–3.5 mm long. Corolla 12–15 mm long, ±glabrous inside, with enations, inconspicuously auriculate; abaxial lobes 3.5–7.5 mm long; wings 1–2.5 mm wide. Indusium broadly oblong. Ovules 20–40. Fruit ellipsoidal, 6 mm long; valves sometimes bifid. Seeds elliptic, 3 mm long, yellow-brown, colliculate to tuberculate.

Occurs in the southern Flinders Ra. and the Mt Lofty Ra. and on Kangaroo Is., S.A. Found in open forest and on sea cliffs.

Flowering start in August and ends in February.


The main flower colour is yellow.

References 08 Nov 2014 - Stephen L (Clare) SA
Updated: 21 Nov 2014 - Member - John and Val

Views (per week)32


Bio Regions

Kanmantoo (KAN)

Region Specifics

Kangaroo Island

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