Black Oak

Family: Casuarinaceae
Genus: Casuarina
Species: pauper
Main Flower Colour: Other


An enduring desert survivor this rugged tree grows to about 10m tall and has rough dark grey bark. Branchlets are grey-green, smooth and cylindrical, in sections each about 10mm long. Each joint or node of the branchlet is surrounded by a ring of a bout 10 tiny true leaves. Trees are either male or female. seed cones are about 3cm long with several rows of protruding valves that open to release the seed. Grows in calcareous soil, frequently found on rises near salt pans.


The main flower colour is other. These trees seem to grow in colonies or groves, where their tough grey ruggedness is unlike any other tree likely to be seen in the desert.

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Bio Regions

Great Victoria Desert (GVD), Murchison (MUR), Gascoyne (GAS), Little Sandy Desert (LSD), Nullarbor (NUL), Gawler (GAW)

Region Specifics

Great Victoria Desert near Maralinga

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