Boab or Adansonia

Family: Malvaceae
Genus: Adansonia
Species: gregorii
Main Flower Colour: Cream


Families of boabs march across the Kimberley landscape, slim youngsters, sturdy middle aged ones, stout grandparents . Boabs grow into a large tree with swollen bottle shaped trunk. Found only in the Kimberley of WA and extending east into the NT. Large flowers are white or cream. Deciduous in dry season. Seeds are contained in a large hard-shelled pod.


The main flower colour is cream. Bottle shaped trunk, deciduous in dry season


Most parts of the tree are useful for traditional medicine, storing water, food, fibre. Seed pods are carved for the tourist trade.

Views (per week)109


Bio Regions

Victoria Bonaparte (VIB), Dampierland (DAL), Central Kimberley (CEK), Northern Kimberley (NOK)

Region Specifics

Kimberley, WA

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