Baden Powell Campground - WA

  Camp Fee


DEG: -32.76944 116.0839
DMS: 32º 46' 9.98" S 116º 05' 2.04" E
UTM: 50 H 6373901mN 414198mE
Altitude: 169.36m


Address & Contact

Park Road Lane Poole Reserve DwellingupWestern Australia
Phone: +61 8 9538 1078
Email: N/A


9.5km from Dwellingup via Lane Poole Reserve entry station, Nanga Road

The new Baden Powell was opened in 2013. It has three undercover camp kitchens with gas barbeques, cold water taps (collected rainwater), dishwashing sinks, food preparation surfaces and dining tables and benches.

The 42 individual camp sites include a range of layouts to cater for a variety of tents, campervans, caravans and camper trailers.

Four of the camp sites, one of the camp kitchens and one toilet block have been designed for wheelchair access.

There is a nearby `day use` area with picnic tables and river access for all visitors. No Campfires at any time.

Booking: Online booking, which must be made at least one day in advance, is essential. Bookings can be made up 180 days (approximately six months) in advance. No phone bookings.

When booking you must select a specific numbered camp site. A plan of the campground and the current availability for each site can be seen by selecting `camp sites` above. Alternatively, `make a booking` and only the camp sites available for your chosen dates will be listed.

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Closest Weather Station

Dwellingup at 08/07:00pm WST
Distance from Baden Powell Campground 6.96km N
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Distance from Baden Powell Campground 6.96km N
Mean Max. °C29.629.627.022.418.515.915.015.617.220.023.627.2
Mean Min. °C14.214.512.910.
Mean Rain mm15.620.926.366.6157.4241.3237.0192.7130.980.047.420.9

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