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Submitted: Monday, Jul 22, 2024 at 23:11
ThreadID: 148051 Views:935 Replies:1 FollowUps:1
I've read the Traveller and Tracker manuals and tried submitting a number or status posts today to test the functionality. I can take a photo, add a some text and submit the status, but viewing the shared tracking link with family members only shows the track - no status text or photos. Am I missing something?

Can family members with the shared link (and Security Key) view status text and photos?
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Reply By: ExplorOz - David & Michelle - Tuesday, Jul 23, 2024 at 17:44

Tuesday, Jul 23, 2024 at 17:44
Member - stulandr,

Are you using an iOS device? If the answer is yes there is a wee issue in submitting more than 1 status post image per status post. V9.0.0 which has just gone into Beta addresses this. To confirm open the Tracking & Settings page from the LHS menu and look at the unsynced positions count if > 0 then the above problem has occurred. You can clear this out using some advanced options in the settings menu however please raise a Help Desk issue using the link in the footer and we can give you the procedure.

Anyone that can view your tracking will be able to see Status Posts and Images. Additionally if they are viewing using the ExplorOz Tracker app they can subscribe to your Status Post notifications and thus will get a notification on their device when you submit a status post.

David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024

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AnswerID: 646240

Follow Up By: Member - stulandr - Tuesday, Jul 23, 2024 at 23:02

Tuesday, Jul 23, 2024 at 23:02
Thanks David. Yes it’s an iOS device, iPhone 12 Pro. I’ve cleared my tracking in preparation for a trip starting tomorrow. I’ll try a few status updates to see if there are any unsynced positions showing. Hopefully v9.0.0 will fix the issue.

Note I only posed one image per status update when I tried (I took the photo directly from the ExplorOz app, not attached from the photos library). I also tried just posting an update without images, but that didn’t work either.

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