ExplorOz Traveller Versions: 05 Feb 2019 - V3.6.0

Tuesday, Feb 05, 2019 at 20:06


Breaking Change

  • Due to Updates on Places and Treks the database MUST be Updated at first boot. A dialog alert has been installed in the app to advise when you first boot after update

Features Added

  • Added support for Private Place Groups including map display filtering, add & edit functions in place edit
  • Visual Prompts added for Navigation Turn by Turn, there is now a visual message put at the top of the screen which displays the turn by turn navigation step. Added new settings for enabled/disabled and display duration (Default Turn By Turn, 10 sec)
  • Added Offline map tiles over zoom to level 16
  • Added Turn by Turn display on the Trek Directions page
  • Added ability to Edit & Delete Places from the Map screen popups, Delete option has double tap confirmation
  • Map Screen, Navigation now has Map Opacity slider to set opacity of background map when in navigation mode
  • New setting Track Up Centre Offset will cause the map to move down when Track Up mode is selected - allows more visible map in the forward direction
  • Map Screen added zoom level to main screen between zoom +- buttons, Number changes to red on over zoom offline tiles

Updates Applied

  • Added support for bi directional Turn By Turn in ExplorOz Treks (currently fully supported on MundAl treks)
  • Modified onscreen messages for Turn by Turn directions calculations
  • Map Screen, Navigation adjusted Delete function to support single delete, with delete mode disabled after each deletion
  • Map Screen, Navigation during turn by turn calculation all other map displays hide to show full route
  • Map Screen, Navigation route line background colour adjust to make it more visible
  • Increased width of content panels in some screens
  • Adjusted the Turn by Turn proximity formula to announce/display prompts earlier at higher speed
  • Adjustment to the Altitude corrections system to only apply corrections when in data service
  • Fixed error on Windows Platform which made settings - colour selections difficult
  • Updated icons on Home, Settings tabs, Places and Treks
  • Rewrite of Map markers system to reduce complexity and improve performance
  • Place delete now checks if Place is used in a Trek and prohibits delete

Store Status

  • Play Store available 5th Feb 2019 06:00pm AEST
  • Apple App Store available 6th Feb 2019 06:00pm AEST
  • Windows Store available 6th Feb 2019 06:00pm AEST
Access to the updates can take several hours after availability and approval in the stores. Look on the Home screen at the bottom for the version number.
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