ExplorOz Traveller Versions: 12 November 2019 - V3.9.9

Wednesday, Nov 13, 2019 at 03:53


Features Added

  • Map Screen set Zoom & GPS Lock left/right via settings (Default: Left)
  • Private places added sort order Distance/Sequence to support ordered GPX uploads

Updates Applied

  • Map Screen, Place & Trek popup cleared on close to ensure details not flashed up incorrectly on next open (slow devices)
  • Fixed Private Places issue where display stopped due to group count
  • Positions Manager changed to Track Log Manager (name change only)
  • Minor connectivity check url update
  • Device 'aid' added to sent Tracker positions

Store Status

  • Play Store Available
  • Apple App Store Available
  • Windows Store Available
Access to the updates can take several hours after availability and approval in the stores. Look on the Home screen at the bottom for the version number.
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