Desert Banksia

Family: Proteaceae
Genus: Banksia
Species: ornata
Main Flower Colour: Yellow


The Desert Banksia (Banksia ornata) is a species of shrub in the plant genus Banksia which grows up to 3 m tall. It occurs in western Victoria, and in South Australia, where it is common on the Eyre Peninsula, Kangaroo Island and east of Adelaide, but is apparently absent from Yorke Peninsula.

It tends to grow in mallee and heathland environments in sandy well drained soils.

Its flowers exist as cylindrical spikes which are initially yellow/green to yellow, and turn bronze in when aged. The Desert Banksia flowers in late winter to spring. The green leaves are elongated wedge shaped with serrated edges about 20 mm wide and 100 mm long.

Flowering start in July and ends in October.


The main flower colour is yellow.

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Bio Regions

Kanmantoo (KAN)

Region Specifics

Kangaroo Island

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