Bristly Sea-heath

Family: Frankeniaceae
Genus: Frankenia
Species: serpyllifolia
Main Flower Colour: Pink


Low spreading shrub or bushy herb to 30 cm high and 50 cm diam., hairs short, spreading.

Leaves ovate to oblong or elliptic, 3–9 mm long, margins recurved, midrib and some of lower surface exposed, pubescent.

Flowers in much-branched dichasia; bracts and bracteoles similar to leaves but often smaller and more hairy. Calyx 5–9 mm long, ribs with bristly to long soft hairs, grooves minutely pubescent. Petals 7–12 mm long. Stamens 6 or 7. Seeds smooth or finely wrinkled.

Flowering start in August and ends in October.


The main flower colour is pink.

References 31 Oct 2014 - Stephen L (Clare) SA
Updated: 19 Nov 2014 - Member - John and Val

Views (per week)26


Bio Regions

Simpson Strzelecki Dunefields (SSD)

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